Ballona Creek Project
California Greenworks (CGW) proposed Ballona Creek Habitat Restoration project will help to restore habitat with native vegetation and improve water and air quality as well as create much-needed green spaces and habitat connectivity. In addition, the project will promote the protection of existing natural resources and provide recreational and outdoor education opportunities through service learning to a large sector of low-income communities that are key to reducing urban pollution and improving local and coastal water quality. We are anticipating this project to start Fall of 2017 and continue through 2019.
The purpose of this project is to improve and restore the natural resources of the wetland while providing multiple benefits through on the ground urban greening and habitat improvements within the eastern portion of Ballona Creek Watershed. CGW will engage students, at-risk-youth, residents and business owners especially those from low-income communities in the Watershed, promoting public participation and involvement through services-learning and outdoor activities that provide recreation and engage participants in a personal way and inspire social responsibility in protecting the environment.